The Blog
Welcome to the Old Bones Odyssey Blog.
Geek out on our Album Liner Notes and read the stories behind the songs,
and watch as our story unfolds.
These Walls Are Alive
“I want people to feel that they can change the world when they listen…” -Ellen Kaye
The Journey
It’s a long and twisting road. Lots of stories, some discoveries, many mysteries remain.
In The Studio
Here’s an inside look into our recording life working on Old Bones Odyssey the album.
Repair With Gold
“I think most people are engaged in some form of world repair every day through the kindness towards those they love, towards strangers, in creating the work and the art that they do.”-Ellen Kaye
Old Bones Odyssey
“…whose bones do we care about and whose bones do we abandon?” -Ellen Kaye
Howland Live Show May 6. 2023
Images and video from our live show May 6, 2023 at Howland Cultural Center.
The Amoeba – Ellen Kaye
“My old pal the Amoeba is my take on the mad ego inside us all …”-Ellen Kaye
Neander Valley
“…we just have to do the work to make this world a safer place for everyone in it.”-Ellen Kaye
Stardust At My Back
“That you could curse your destiny, upend it and walk away.”-Ellen Kaye
The Unknown
“It is the saddest story ever told. With the boldest beginning. But the darkest flaw is in our making. ” -Ellen Kaye
Sleeping Shadows Lullaby
“How it feels to have your heart filled to the brim with love and dread for your child.” -Ellen Kaye
Lovers On Horseback
“The original letter was very plainly written…but it was enough to make me want to write this song.” -Ellen Kaye
Buster Blue Eyes
“His blue eyes were always a little further down the road, drifting upon unseen waters.” -Ellen Kaye
“History in a nutshell told by a nightclub singer, not an historian.” -Ellen Kaye
A Manhattan Fairy Tale
“I started telling this story a long time ago. For now I’ll let the song say it all.” -Ellen Kaye
River Styx
“River Styx brings my time in Phoenix House on Hart Island to life. I was fourteen when I got there…I’m tackling my own story, the stories of abandoned people, of what it’s like to be left behind.” – Ellen Kaye
Haunted Hart
“Haunted Hart is about a man I loved when I lived on Hart Island in 1974…these are my memories of him. And the ghosts of Potter’s Field.”-Ellen Kaye
Your Oyster
“…the sense of no clocks, endless days, just rolling on forever in a blissful state.” – Ellen Kaye
Maxfield Parrish Sky
“For all the past beloved summer days and nights and all the radiant ones yet to come.” – Ellen Kaye
The Amoeba – Ethan Fein
“When Ethan and I finished writing this tune I knew I had to hear him sing it.” – Ellen Kaye
Nightclub Years
nightclub years 1990 – present “This is my first attempt to gather up my years of performing and producing into one wild ride of a little world that I’ve loved. There are alot of beloved people and places missing. My advice, don’t wait thirty years to tell your story, you
Tom Waits
ellen singingtom waitsthrough the years 1990’s – 2000’s ellen kaye singing tom waits 15 Videos “Eggs and Sausage(In a Cadillac with Susan Michelson)” -“Witching Hour”-Surf Reality-1996 6:33 “Drunk On The Moon” – Iridium 4:56 “Drunk On The Moon” – Cornelia Street Cafe 2:50 Ellen Introducing “Saving All My Love” 0:08
backstory the past is never pastearly and new “old bones odyssey” Connecting The Dots With “Old Bones Odyssey” Now and Then “memoirs of a 14 year old hitchhiker”steve mcgraw’s, nyc – 1990’s “hitchhiker part 1” November 19th, 1993 Hitchhiker – Part 1 12 Videos “(Looking For) The Heart of Saturday Night”
Hart Island History
hart island history 0:00 / 0:00 River Styx Playlist 9 Videos Introduction to “River Styx” by Ellen Kaye 3:22 Ellen Kaye “River Styx” Live in Concert at Howland Cultural Center 3:37 “Big Life Lesson” 1:28 “I’m Singing this tonight for Leslie” 1:31 “We’ll All Escape One Day” 0:43 “No Moon,